The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

a small thank you

So not too long ago I was wondering if I should keep my blog going after school was over. It’s something that I like doing, but I wasn’t quite sure if it was worth it. Today I was talking with my friends Evan and Olivia about something and somehow the topic of my blog came up and they told me that they actually really liked my blog. Evan said that he looked forward to reading my posts, which made me even more happy. Hearing people you respect compliment your work is perhaps one of the best feelings. While I appreciate the recognition from teachers, the approval of my peers may be even more euphoric. Knowing that I have somewhat devoted followers made my day, and probably saved my blog.

The blog shall stay.



Embroz said...

i hear you dude, it would be really motivateing if people actually commented though

oliver jorge said...

my blogs aspires to be like yours. i don't think that will happen though so i'll just continue to read yours