So i was reading a post done by Andrea about Miss California, and though I am a gay rights supporter something about this whole thing just really makes me upset.
First things first. I do no agree with the response to the question posed to her by Perez Hilton about gay marriage. But then again I assume she wouldn’t agree with mine. Is her answer any less valid because I assume it to be ignorant? I would like to say yes, but in reality is not. It’s not like she didn’t have reasons to defend it. Her reason was that her strong religious ties inhibited her from thinking it acceptable. That’s a reason, and if you’re a religious person, it’s a good one. So why are all these people giving her so much crap on her answer. People opposed to gay marriage are just as entitled to their opinions as those for it. So before you condemn her for a belief that differs from your own, remember that she has her reasons, and to her they’re good ones, just as my reasons for supporting it are good ones too.
Now Andrea does bring up a good point. If she is such a religious person, why on earth would she show us her boobies? I admit that is a bit incriminating. But think about it people, what does the title of Miss California really represent. I know for me it doesn’t bring to mind a smart, bookish type. I think of a hot, tan, tall model. And what are hot, tan, models good at? Taking pictures. Does it really surprise you that someone that looks like her would be caught doing something like that. Now, I know this by no means excuses the shady connection with God she has preached. But I’m sure we have all done things we’re not proud of, maybe not to this degree, but no one is innocent. It is possible for a person to make a mistake and still love her some God. And even if she still doesn't consider it a mistake, she still can love God. I'm sure many porn stars are in some way affiliated with a higher being. And just because one action goes against God's teachings you're not condemned. You can have naked pictures and still worship God. Saying otherwise is like saying gay people can't believe in God because they're gay.
All I’m saying is that perhaps we should try to get a new perspective on this. see things from her side, and not make her out to be the anti-christ so quickly.
haha here's this pictures though. sucksss.
that's andrea's blog, fyi
...and I agree with you that this whole scandal got blown way out of proportion.
yeah, it's my blog (Andrea's).
I meant to point out the irony in the situation, to say that it's weird to use morale to justify comments when you are engaged in activity that's not exactly, to use your word, righteous, not insult Miss California. If someone would get up on a national stage and say they support the sanctity life and oppose abortion, but don't object to torture, I would raise a similar question.
I'm fine with her views on gay marriage, like I'm fine with the views of other people who oppose me on just about anything. The comment that I made at the end of the most was more of a quick joke than anything else.
I just re-read my comment, and I sound kind of mad/irritated. I'm not, I promise.
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