The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Great Expectations

Just recently I graduated high school, right? The last few months or so, the teachers got all emotional like. They would tell you how much they were going to miss you and how much fun they had with our class and what not. We had our little award ceremony where we get our prizes for doing shit we should have done anyway, like taking AP classes and taking four years of a certain subject and all that other shit. I mean, you have four years of high school, why shouldn’t I take four years of math? Seriously, quit being lazy, that’s why we’re all so stupid.

But anyway, the last few weeks of school, teachers really get into it. At least they did for me. Almost all of my teachers told me how impressed they are with me and things like that. First of all, I hate when people tell me things like that. It makes me cry. I know that seems odd and sounds stupid, but that’s just what it does. Not like ball or anything, just teary eyed. I think I get embarrassed.

But a lot of my teachers began telling me that I was going to do great things, and that really made me upset. That’s such a scary thing to say. Do you know how much pressure that puts on a person? These people barely know me, all they know about me is what they’ve gathered by that hour I spent in their room five days a week. There are twenty three other hours in the day. How do they know I’m not out selling drugs or stealing from stores? They know nothing about me, or at least very little, yet when they tell me I’m going to do great things they say it with such certainty. I can’t handle that.

I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I have big dreams, but who doesn’t? Dreams mean nothing, it’s reality that counts. What do they even mean by great, anyway? What if all I want to do with my life is be a mommy and raise my kids and take care of my husband? What if all I want to do with my life is be a librarian and never marry? What if all I want to do with my life is become a nun? You may answer, “Well it’s you who defines great. That’s what they meant when they told you that you would do great things. So they we’re right.”

Bullshit. If that’s what they meant, then they would say it to everyone, and I know they don’t. I feel like this post is making me sound conceited, but that’s not the tone I want to give off at all. I’m upset, if anything. But no one refers to being a mum, a librarian, or a nun as great things. Sure, they’re caring, necessary, and noble, but they’re not great, by societal standards anyay. So what do they mean by great?! If they’re so sure I’m going to do them, you’d think they’d give me a hint. There is so much pressure with the word great, so many expectations. I don’t know if I can live up to that. Or if I even want to.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Long time...


So I did this blog interview thing and I guess I’m suppose to post the link on one of my posts, so here it is.

It’s like some website that interviews writers of certain blogs to help get them more publicity or something. I’m not sure how reputable it is, but I figured I might as well do it. It can’t hurt, right? You can read my interview if you want, it just explains my blog a little more, so if you’re a new reader, it might give you a better idea of what it is I do, or at least try to do.

I’ve been really busy the past few weeks, graduating and shit. I leave in a couple of days for my internship in Taiwan. I’m actually keeping a travel blog, so if any of you are interested in checking it out, here’s the address:

That blog is just about my Taiwan adventures though, this will continue to be my home base. I should get back to posting regularly in the next week, so look back soon. I’ve been working on this story recently, and I want to try out a few paragraphs on you, so look for that too.

Until then,
