The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Friday, May 1, 2009

Shout out to my holmes.

My friend recently did a post about the current state of his life. It sounds quite sad, and is shocking to know stuff like that actually happens. I suppose events like that are taking place in my home life, I just haven’t the time to notice. But anyway, the part I found the most interesting was when he talked about losing motivation. I too have experienced something similar, and I have heard of other friends of mine having similar symptoms. I can’t help think that this has been caused by society, and the pressure they now place on teens to succeed. It’s insane how much extra we have to do than our parents did. if our parents our unhappy, as Spencer describes them to be, than where will we be in twenty years. I expect the murder as well as suicide rate to sharply increase if Spencer’s post is and indication of the hell teenagers now live in. While I think its good for parents to support there children, pushing them is too far.  If these trends continue, how fucked up will our children be? If nothing else, you still have that book, How I Became Stupid, to look forward to, which is a pretty good read, despite its french origins. Good luck Spencer, good luck. 


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