The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, May 10, 2009

and we will change the world

So I was watching the Edukators, a german independent film, and I started thinking about our generation. Let me start by saying that this is a really good movie that is not only entertaining, but had meaning as well, I would suggest you watch it. But anyway the movie is about these two guys and eventually one girl who break into wealthy peoples’ houses, not to steal, but to rearrange their possessions. Then, they leave a note saying you have too much money. The point of this exercise is to scare these people into realizing the ridiculousness of materialism. This group is a bunch of radicals, hoping to change the world. They see the problems in our world: consumerism, capitalism, and poverty just being a few, and attempt to kinda sorta start a makeshift revolution amongst their generation to correct these issues. They are unhappy with the status quo, so they do something about it.

I’m sure that we all see the problems in our government, shady dealings, questionable actions, what have you. This is common to us, realizations such as these. But think back fifty years ago. How common were ideas like this. People pretty much trusted everything their government did, believing that it was the best move to take because there is no way such an established government would deceive its people. Because of this unconditional trust, there were few signs of discord, that is until the emergence of the counterculture. These radical ideals preached by this new generation was a complete 180 of the way things were presently done. But while the young people of this era wanted change, their parents were unaffected by this movement, and retained their conservative views, inevitably crushing the movement along with the belief that things could change. 

But this youth grew up. They spawned children of their own, and while their revolutionary ideas may have been suppressed by authority then, good ideals never die. They are still in our used to be hippie parents, and wether they intended to or not, they have instilled them in us as well. Because of this, we are a generation of hope, a generation of change. Now more than ever this is true. We see the folly of our forefathers actions, and instead of simply writing it off and ignoring it, we chose to stand face to face with the problems, to stare them down with our stink eyes of reform. As time moves on, more of us will be in office, and with this power, we will change this country’s view of the world, and hopefully this world’s view of our country. 

We can't change the world unless we change ourselves. We have have changed though. We know the problems, we know how to fix them, now all that’s left to do, is to do it. We need a change, and that change has arrived. That change is us.

god speed.


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