The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Affrimative Schmacsion

So I was looking at this new blog that I just found, Tapped, and read a post talking about affirmative action. I have been undecided on this issue. I can understand why it was initially created, but question if it really is serving its job today or simply proving to be a hindrance. I imagine that if I were white it would be just one more thing for me to complain about, but seeing as how I am sure to benefit from this, it is hard to make a decision.
Before when I was reading Coates ' blog, he mentions it too, but I can't seem to find that exact post, I apologize.
After reading serwer's post, I once again realize how much distance we as a people have yet to cross to reach tolerance. For me, it seems hard to imagine that not but thirty years ago people of my color had half as many rights as me. The same people who protested at Little Rock or bashed the teachings of king are still alive. They have had children, and I wonder how much of their hate has been passed to them. Regardless of the inspirational preachings, we still have a long way to go.

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