The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Jerk

So I was looking at the kennedy blog thing where Ayers highlighted some good posts and happened upon the jerk post. For those of you who don't know, the jerk is a new dance that will soon become popular. Know why? Not because it is good or creative, but because it was invented by black people, and anything that we create must be hip. 

I'm not sure how many people have noticed this trend, but it seems every time some black person comes up with an idea, however ridiculous, it becomes the thing to do. This is seen with any rap music ( lil' wheezy), any dance (stanky leg), and any fashion (oversized, brightly printed hoodies). Really people, c’ mon.

Now I am by no means condemning these trends, simply questioning how well these ideas were thought through. Does anybody not see anything wrong with some of these trends? Please say I am not alone. Some of this stuff just looks straight up stupid.

Doesn’t it make you wonder though, just how many of these fads have been created for a reason. I don’t know, but it seems like the black culture may have realized how impressionable they can be and now just comes up with things they know is completely ludicrous. I bet right now as I type they are laughing it up while some white guy or out of the loop black guy is attempting to walk it out to Unk while sporting his straight-billed cap. 

I guess I just wish people would think these things through more. But I suppose fighting conformity is futile. 


1 comment:

StuTheDew said...

heh. It's insanly true. I remember when I first started wearing zebra print pants it's was original and cool, but now i've seen atleast 4 more people starting to throw them on, one was some lame ass freshmen douche.

I suppose MAYBE i wasn't the first one to dig on them, but I know i was definatly the first one to make being a cross-dressing rockstar cool at our school :P