The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Monday, October 12, 2009

the noble peace prize

So my best friend was back from ISU for the weekend so of course we hung out. Seeing someone you haven’t seen in a while is always a bit awkward at first, so whenever there was a lull in the conversation, I would try to make small talk. Now my friend and I have very different political views, but we’ve always been very good at listening to each other present their case.

During one of these convo pauses on the way back to my house, I casually said, “So did you hear that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?”

And he responded with, “Yeah, he shouldn’t have accepted it.”

This confused me. His problem was not with the fact that he had been nominated, or that he had been voted the winner, but whether he accepts it. To me, that seems ridiculous. I agree, he shouldn't have been nominated two weeks after being elected, I feel it was way too soon, but I just want to know, how is a person not going to accept the fucking nobel peace prize? To me, that’s rude. Isn’t it like a gold medal? How are you going to turn that shit down? And if you do turn down the NPP, what happens to it? Do they give it to the next guy? How much would that suck to be the guy who won by default.

But the problem I have most with this whole thing is that no one is blaming the committee, the people who nominated him. Obama is being blamed for their mistake. I could care less what he does with it, I just find it messed up that he’s blamed for it.This is just going to be another thing those crazy right-wings use against Obama.

I explained this to my friend to which he responded with, “Yeah, well Obama hasn’t kept all his promises. He said he was going to put all the legislative bills online.”

I don’t know enough about the promise to put legislative bills online, so I asked him which ones he hasn’t put up, because I know I’ve seen the newest Carbon Bill and Health Care Bill up.

Avoiding the question, he then asks me if I know enough to be defending Obama.

Better question, Do you know enough to be criticizing him, because by the sounds of it, you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. If you want to argue about politics, I suggest looking further than Beck and Rush for your news.
