The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Something to Ponder

“You are different.”

This is what my friend told me. While I heavily disagree with this statement, my friend had some ways to justify it.

He told me that my mind worked similar in the way of that of a little kid.

He’s quite the charmer.

You find joy in every little thing. You laugh regardless of who is watching you. You live your life the way you see fit, despite any obstacles that intrude in your path. And when you do hit one, one that is impossible to overcome, you don’t react to it like most people do. Most people, adults, let it hit them. They’re sad for a few days, but move on and forget about it. You, though, when it hits you, you’re sad for a long time. You never accept it either, and you always go back to fix it, because you can’t deal with the way things are now. You miss the way they were, so you attempt to regain it. You recognize the good in everything and you focus on that. You have the mind of a child, and that’s what keeps you innocent.

He told me this, among other reasons for my differences. I have the mind of a child. But is this a good thing? I have a feeling that it is that same reason that keeps me immature. That’s my hypothesis. For some reason, this makes me think back to when I was talking to you, Mr. Ayers, about the white and black bloggers. You said that you were only surprised because you thought that for once we were going to have a serious conversation. Is that what people think of me? That I am incapable of saying anything with substance? That my life is nothing but a joke. Yes, my mind i young, and I can maintain my innocence, but I will forever and always be a child. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Should I just grow up?


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