The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Death Match

So in government I was talking to my favorite teacher, coach white. We were talking about fights and how students no longer chose to fight in school because of the possible consquesnces, and how they now makes plans to take their fights off school grounds. Somewhow we began discussing the possibility of an underground teacher fight associations wherein teachers from the surrounding area would meet in an abandoned warehouse, form a circle, and the Tyler Durden of them would read the rules.
Well, I decided that coach white, my favorite, should fight mr. ayers, my least favorite. I then went about setting this match up. Both parties have agreed to the fight, and it has become my job to work out all the details, which has become somewhat difficult thanks to mr. ayers.
Anyway, I have figured it out:
-convert the soccer field to a cage match arena
-death match
-$150 per ticket
-bare knuckle
-next friday
-high noon

come see the fight.

1 comment:

Mr. Ayers said...

I don't think it qualifies as "underground" if you're pushing it on your blog.