The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life Rage

So I was chillin’ in my government class listening to coach white ramble on about something or other and somehow he got on the topic of road rage. Like always, he had a couple of stories to go along with his topic. If you have never spoken to him before, you may not know this, but all his conversations seem to include at least ten stories, most of them not about him, but things he hears from the news. He’s very current event oriented. What’s more is that he usually ends up telling the same ones twice. I hate repetition. Some of them also seem to have a sense of myth to them. I question their legitimacy. 

Let me tell you the stories of road rage I was told by coach white. 

First Story:

There was this guy who got cut off by this old lady and her cute little . This made him mad right, cause this old bitch cut him off, what the fuck? So he tailgates her several blocks, you know to teach her a lesson. Finally, they reach a stop sign. He parks his car, gets out and walks up to the old lady’s open window. By now, the old bag is scared as fuck, understandably so. The only way she could apologize more is of she were on her hands and knees, begging for his forgiveness. But this guy just isn’t gonna let her get off that easy. He reaches in, grabs her dog, and throws him into the intersection where he is immediately hit by a car and killed. Pay back’s a bitch, right?

Second Story:

There are these two guys playing, as coach described it, a cat and mouse game. One guy speeds ahead of the other, gets in front of him, then slows down. The other guy does the same and this just keeps going until on gestures to the other to pull over on the side of the road. They both pull over, and the one guy gets out of him car, goes up to the window and bangs on it threatening to kick his ass. The guy totally deserves the beating he’s about to receive. But the homie in the car don’t play that, so he reaches into his glove compartment, pulls out his loaded gun, and bam! One onomatopoeia later, there’s a dead guy laying on the side of the road. 

Now I understand that these are some extreme cases of road rage, and good ol’ fashion road rage doesn’t usually have results like this, but seriously, is this what our world is coming to. Can a simple act of cutting someone off or an immature road game really spark someone to commit acts of animal cruelty, or even murder? Apparently so. That’s my hypothesis. 

Coach White actually brought up a good point. That our society has begun to move too fast, fast enough for us not to be able to handle it. This is a statement I fully agree with.  We have become so engulfed in our lives, constantly filling them with more and more to the point where we simply just can’t handle no mo’, resulting in a society that is overly stressed and always on the edge. That’s my hypothesis. Our minds are never empty, always thinking of the responsibility we must do next. And when is our down time? Those few hours at night that we attempt to sleep, but almost always fail because of the worry of the next day on our mind. 

So how does one solve this problem? You can’t. You can try those “calming” deep breathes, or counting to ten, but it won’t do much good. If you really want to stop this life rage though, I would suggest learning how to laugh at yourself, try to accept that things don’t always go your way, and maybe even deciding to not let this one, infuriating incident get the better of you.  That’s my hypothesis. Easier said than done thiough.


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