The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Snowflakes and Trash

So the friend that I talked about in the last post, our friendship is extremely complicated. We started out as friends, then somehow became more than that, and then we “broke up” which killed our friendship, but we were able to repair it. Some of my most dramatic, Wednesday night sitcom, stories arise from our relationship.

But while we were talking last night, he told me that I was different. This infuriated me. I am not different for the simple reason that no one is different. We are all the same. Our emotions are the same, are actions are the same, we are all the same. Thinking you’re different is the same. As was said in Fight Club You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are not crap or trash either. You just are.

We live under this notion that we are special. We use this as justification for the value of our life. But I have brought my life in to the nearest pawn shop, where they have offered me very little for it. At first I was offended, but I was quickly reassured that this is a standard amount, the one offered to every person possessing a life.

When we begin to realize that we just are is the same time we stop living a lie. Our lives will become our own and will not be dictated by a false motivation.

You are not special. But don’t worry, because none of us are. You just are. That’s my hypothesis.


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