The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Twilight Zone?

Alright so I was told to start linking more and so I picked Ta-Nehisi Coates to link to, mostly because he is black. But I was scrolling through his posts and came upon one about Glenn Beck amd how he compared Obama to Edward Cullen. Cool. But while I was trying to find more information on that, I cam across another bit of information about he apparently has been overtaken by the NWO. 

I had no idea what the NWO is, but it’s pretty trippy. It‘s apparently a government conspiracy to turn the world into a totalitarian authority. Cool. But they have now gotten ahold of Glenn Beck! Which doesn’t seem like a big loss because looking at some of his videos, he seems like somewhat of a douche cake. 

But in this video, they compare him to a character on the Twilight Zone. I have seen every episode of the Twilight Zone, so coincidentally, I know how they end, and will tell you that in this particular one, the gentleman is labeled as obsolete and is put on trial for this very reason, the sentence being death. It's a scary thing to thin about, that our government could come to this. 

I have heard of another government conspiracy, the idea of the amero, a coin that is supposed to replace all of North and South American currency, but would inevitably harm the citizens because of the loss of the value of our American dollars. It’s some interesting stuff, and also very frightening, and for a time, I was quite worried about it.  The switch was supposed to happen in February but when it didn’t I felt somewhat embarrassed. 

I guess what these conspiracy theories show me is that yeah, there is a good chance they could happen, and maybe some of them are even real, but there is nothing I can do about it now, so why fill my days with worry when I can be enjoying my U.S. dollars and Glenn Beck version of Twilight. 


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