The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Friday, March 13, 2009


So I was talking to my friend in math class because math is dumb and completely unnecessary not to mention boring as hell and someone commented about how loud I was, jokingly though. I am a loud person, I know this. I’m not sure why. I imagine its pretty annoying and when people ask me to be quiet, I try to. We were joking though, so I told him I couldn’t help it I was black. He inquired as to what that fact had to do with the volume of my voice. I then challenged him to name a black person who was quiet. The funny thing is he couldn’t, but that’s not my point. He told me to name one that was, and I made up this chick Shaquanda. 

Shaquanda Williams is my new imaginary friend. I convinced him that she had moved from Baltimore to Cedar Rapids and was now an attending sophomore at Kennedy High School. I’m a very good liar, a damn good one in fact. If I want to get someone to believe something, I just get myself to believe it, and it usually works. So I got him to believe she existed. 

It was crazy how easy it was to get someone to believe that. He only knew about two facts about her and he believed her. I decided to create Shaquanda. Her are her stats:




hair on top of her head

She also has a back story. She moved because she is pregnant. Not pregnant to the extreme, just a little bump. But here’s the kicker, the father of her “baby daddy” is her former teacher in Baltimore. That’s fucking tight right?

I have told about ten people about Shaquanda. I imagine that soon, with her history, she will be somewhat of a celebrity. If you hear anything about her, hit a sister up homes. 


1 comment:

Roxanne Betta said...

Totally just heard about Shaquanda today. You are a good liar!