The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Friday, March 13, 2009

Road Trip

So I have been thinking very serious about this summer. I have decided that too many people have taken the spontaneous element out of their life. Their lives have become droll and repetitive, and I just can’t have that. My life can’t be like that. I will go crazy. Why must every adventure be planned . Why must every minute be scheduled. Life was not meant to be lived like that. 

It’s one thing to say these things, but actions are everything, so now I will act. Last summer, before school go tout I decided that I was going to drive to Boston. Why Boston? Don’t know. First place I thought of I suppose. No better reason than that. And that’s all a reason a person needs. I didn’t do it though. I’m not quite sure why. Maybe scared, maybe lazy, maybe it was society with its hold on me. This summer though will be different.

I have decided to take a few weeks off of work. I vaguely told my mom my plans, but I’m sure once she knows and I explain, she won’t care. She has a great trust in me, as she should, I have never presented her with a reason to suspect otherwise. But I plan on just driving. I;m going to bring an army bag full of crap I’ll need like clothes and books and a moleskin and a sketch pad and  few pens and pencils and another few things. I’ll pack our GPS thing at the bottom of my bag. I plan on only using that in an emergency. Then I’m just going to drive. No one but me. Just drive. I’ll sleep in my car and eat when I want and pee outside even though indoor plumbing will be available, I just like the feeling of freedom of peeing outside. I’ll go to random diners and eat next to strangers with questionable backgrounds. I’ll make friends with small town locals. I’ll bum around big cities. I’ll chill in parks and spend hours reading. And I’ll finally get to write. What I want, not stupid essays on presidents or answers to lab questions. What i want to. I have no plan other than drive, and see where that takes me. 

I’m somewhat of a romantic, and I need to do something to express it before it dies. I like that part of me. I can think of no better way than just to drive and be open to every new experience. There’s no greater freedom than making a left turn for no other reason than because you want to. 

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