The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

love of another kind?

Fourth post today guys, looks like I missed it more than I thought. But...

So I’m almost sure this post will raise some questions from those who read it, but there’s really no questions to be had. I was a bit hesitant, but I feel comfortable enough with my sexuality to consider these thoughts, because they make somewhat of a good point. Anyway, on to the show.

So I was watching the movie Chasing Amy. Its about this lesbian female and this heterosexual male who fall in love and whatever. It’s not a bad film. But in the movie, there’s this seen where the girl is talking about her choice to become a lesbian. She said she decided to become a lesbian because she didn’t want to limit herself to love. Now I understand that being a lesbian would technically limit yourself, but still, that is perhaps one of the smartest things I have heard about love.

Now, I have never personally been attracted to any girl. But when I think about it, I don’t know if it’s just because I have grown up in a society that does not generally condone such thinking. We are never given that option, never allowed to consider other sources for love. And if you don’t believe in God, or at least don’t think he’ll smite two outties for getting together, then whose to say that love can’t be found in places you have never considered before. 

This idea probably won’t change the people I am attracted to, I’m far too set in my ways to give up Hugh Laurie and Collin Ferrell. But it is interesting isn’t?



The Prime Minister of Keepin' it Real said...

You raised an interesting and complex point. It made me think of the whole nature vs. nurture debate.

Embroz said...

Don''t sell out? Are you kidding? I thought that was every bloggers dream...well...that and exposeing the hipocracies of the world.