The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am Black.

So I was walking through Target today and I overheard an employee calling a manager. She was telling the manager that someone had left the dressing room wearing merchandise she had not paid for. She said she had not known that until five minutes after. I presume the manager asked her to describe what the woman looked like because she proceeded to tell the manager that it had been a heavyset. black woman with all her hair on top of her head. Now that is a pretty vague description if you ask me because we do live in America, where about 40% of people are overweight. However we are in Iowa where about 10% of the population is a minority, but we do live on the Earth where about 100% of people have their hair on top of their head. 

But as soon as  heard her describe the woman, and mention the word black, I knew I was in trouble. Now to understand this story, perhaps you must know what the woman doing the tattle tailing was. She was a skinny, white woman with hair on top of her head. Have you seen her? I know, good description right. Well as soon as I brought my shirt up to her, I knew this was going to suck. I came up behind her, accidentally, and I said excuse me miss. I understand that this can be scary for anyone, having someone come up behind you, I didn’t really mean to. But she didn’t scream until she saw I was black so I am not sure if she necessarily screamed because I had frightened her, at least with my surprise attack.

As I asked for my fitting room, she snatched the clothes out of my hand and proceeded to inspect each one as if I might be hiding something in them. When she came up with nothing, she handed me a number. I politely thanked her and yet, she did not respond. In fact, she did not utter a single word the whole time I was trying to talk to her, save for a few whimpers of distress. 

My friends, I regret to inform you that I have been a victim of racial profiling. We live in a society where we preach acceptance and tolerance, but this is not true. Clearly I am as black as ever. 


1 comment:

Someone who likes their sleep said...

you shoulda told her that lady was your sister, then pretended to punch her, then laughed, then gone serious, then walked away, in that order