The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Twilight Protest

So I read the famous twilight books like two years ago when fear people knew who Edward Cullen. I loved the books, and I will embarrassingly admit that I most likely secretly vowed to become Edward’s betrothed. But after about the end of last year, I quickly took that back. It’s so ridiculous the amount of people who are now obsessed with him. Not only that, the people who are only obsessed because they have seen the movie and haven’t even bothered with that book. I’m not sure why I am bothered so much more by that, but I just think that if you are going to give yourself eternally to a fictionally character, you might as well have some respect and read his book. Because of this new Twilight mania that has swept the nation, I have decided to boycott the movie, at least until all the buzz goes down. I’m sick of people coming into class and being like, oh my god I just saw the movie and I love him. It makes me embarrassed to be of the same gender. I can’t even read the books in public anymore. I’m not one to care much about what people think, but to have people see me reading the book, and think to themselves, oh, she’s just like the rest of teenage America. Forget that, I don’t want to be pegged with those crazies. And I have reached my 1200 so peace. 

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