The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So for some time I have heard of an author named David Sedaris which I am sure almost all of you have heard of. He seemed like an interesting writer, and since I had heard nothing but good things from him, I took it upon myself to purchase one of his books. Fitting with my immature personality, I chose the book that I thought best suited me. I picked Naked. While at Barnes and Nobel searching for the section where he would be under, I found him in the essay section. Now I can handle some essays that are about maybe 10 pages, I would even go so far as to say I enjoy them depending on the author and the topic; but a whole book of an essay, that seems to be pushing it. I have to admit this did slightly impact my view of this book, and maybe I did write it off before I had read it with my prejudice towards essays, however once I had started, I simply couldn’t stop. The first chapter was decent, nothing spectacular, but as the book goes on, it not only presents you with a completely new individual, but one who has actually seen things, and has had experiences that have shaped his life the way each of us have. The book provides you with a sense of knowledge, while not missing out on the humor of the situations the author seems to find himself in. David Sedaris seems to have taken these hilarious, as well as meaningful experiences he has had, and has used them and has taken the lessons from them. This is how an individual should be. Anyone who has experienced the stuff even close to what he has should be allowed to not only write a book, but for it to be published. I cannot count the amount of times I laughed, actually laughed from this book. I don’t mean I thought something was funny and said that in my head. I mean I hahaha enough for people to look at me like a crazy, and if they had been reading this book, and had at least an ounce of a sense of humor they would have done the same. I don’t want to completely ruin the story, because in no way am I even close to the storyteller Sedaris is, but my favorite story was the one of his friend he had met at work who brought him home to hang out. And let’s just say, it was not what I expected, but it made for a very hilarious story.

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