The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Yeah, that’s right, I said it. It’s okay though cause I’m black so I get to, right? No, not really. I suppose, between the white man and the black man, the black man, based on societal norms, would be allowed to say it. But why would you want to? To showcase how ignorant you are for using a word that was created by the white man to degrade our race? When people use this word, in songs or in greeting, are they understanding what the word truly means? Yes, one may argue that it has developed a new connotation, that now it means my “my friend” or “my brotha”, But here’s the thing with meanings of words, they are largely subjective. To you it may mean friend while to another person they see it in the form it was meant to be seen in when it was originally created. They see the negative definition. When two black people meet up and say to each other, “What’s up my nigger.” and a non-black person sees this, how does that look? What are they suppose to think when you greet a friend by calling them an ignorant, lazy, less-than-human, good-for-nothing black man? And if you do greet them in such a manner, and the other person isn’t offended by it, then it must be okay. In fact, that black person responded positively to that name, he must like it. Perhaps I should be calling black people that. And so they do. And that’s when whitey gets shot, and no one wants that do they.

So here’s some tips on the use of the word for both black and white.

If you’re white: Don’t ask your black friends if they mind if you use the word. I cannot count the amount of times someone has asked me this. As a general rule, if you think that something you say might offend someone, don’t say it, it’s really that simple. If you have to ask if it’s okay to use the word, then something in your mind must be telling you there’s something wrong with it. You should probably be using that part of your mind more, because obviously its the reasonable piece. When you ask permission to use the word, not only are you being an ignorant fool by assuming one person can speak for the whole race, but making yourself look even more like an idiot for even wanting to use such a degrading term. And, if for some strange reason they do authorize you to use it, be careful where you use it. Despite common belief, all black people don’t feel the same way.

If you’re black: Do not give a white person permission to use the word. Like stated above, you cannot speak for our whole race. And if your friend does ask you, a quick slap to the face would be the appropriate response. 

For all people: don’t use it. Have some respect for yourself. Lead by example and refrain from using it.  Although ODB is hot shit, he still looks ignorant as a mother fucker when he says it. 

an interesting piece if you care


1 comment:

Mixmaster Mack said...

I agree with you in that if a word is considered so derogatory that the race of the person speaking it determines its connotation, it should not be used by anyone at all at any time

with that being said, the un-PC-ness of the n-word prohibits me from being able to sing along to pretty much anything by dr dre. which makes me sad