The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Before it Goes

I was walking to my car today and all of a sudden I noticed the leaves, the tress, and the weather. I noticed fall. Then I realized that its nearing the end of October, and I had almost missed out on all of the joys fall brings. Now I’m not one of those wacky people who travel up northeast each year to see the changing of the leaves (I mean if you have to plan in time for nature it’s just not worth it) but I love the leaves and I love fall. It could be the delicious food of thanksgiving(although I don’t know how well this years will turn out seeing as I can only eat the mashed potatoes no gravy for my vegan diet) or it could be the cool weather, not snowing, but not stifling hot, or it could be because I’m a November baby and I love presents. I think it’s all of those combined. I’m not s person who likes change but a new season to me somehow signals a change in me. I want to blend into that season and enjoy all it has to offer. Think about all we do in fall. You can’t go to the pumpkin patch any other time of the year. Good luck trying to find a haunted house in April. You would look like an idiot in that batman costume in May. And you could eat a Thanksgiving meal in June, but it’s much less forgivable and you would most likely be labeled a cow. Each season has their own meaning. Spring is a time of rebirth with the blossoming flowers and melting snow , summer a time of life with plants in full bloom and school children playing through the days until the last lights of day threaten to end their joy, and winter a time of family and cozy warm fires and most importantly Santa with his bundle of presents for those who have managed to be good for a whole year. But fall, fall is a mix of all of those. There is still life lingering in the falling leaves of the auburn tree, there are children pleading with the sun to please stay out just a few more minutes, and there are holidays that bring our families together. There’s only a short amount of time before the beauty of this season passes us, so before you get ready for the winter of Iowa, take a few moments to relish in the season of fall.

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