The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, August 2, 2009

you can be the minority

So I was chillin with some friends a couple nights back. It was two of my girl friends and my guy friend. We were at his apartment just kickin it, talking, you know, shiiiiit. Jokingly my guy friend, Alex, compared our group to Charlie’s Angels. We laughed lightly, it was cute right. Then we began assigning parts, and guess who got to be Lucy Lu? Yeah, the black one. It’s not like I even said I wanted to be Lucy Liu, fuck that shit, I want to be Drew Barrymore. No, my friend told me that I was Lucy Liu. I find this interesting that I am automatically assumed to be Lucy Liu. Because she’s a minority that means I’m somehow closer in appearance or personality than my white friends? Black people and Chinese people look about as much alike as white people and chinese people, so wtf? Why can’t a be Drew Barrymore? I got to get me some more black friends.


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