The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"And so it goes in fashion"

As I looked over spring fashion trends earlier today, I came across an interesting article in the New York Magazine on race in fashion by Robin Givhan.

"Fashion pushes at the boundaries of political correctness in the name of creative freedom and buzz. But it often does it in a manner that is impish, sly, timid, and, at times, seemingly downright deceitful. How many times must we see a white model dressed in designer fare cavorting with the brown-skinned locals in India or Africa? Those who lead the cultural conversation about beauty, gender, and class biases can be shockingly uninterested in carrying on a dialogue about race—or simply unwilling to do so. I say, if you’re going to play with stereotypes, do it openly and honestly. After all, sometimes the culture needs to be challenged, even angered."

It's worth the full read.


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