You know why people like New Years? It’s the same reason people hate it. It signifies a new beginning, and humanity loves new things. If you’re a happy person, a new year is a joyous occasion. If you’re depressed, the new year is an ominous horror that reminds you you’ll have to go a whole other year, being depressed.
But people like more than just new years. They like anything that’s new, that they’ve never done before. Why do you think being young is so much fun. It’s not that we can do things adults can, in all actuality, they are legally allowed to do more than any of us. But the same stuff doesn’t appeal to them because they’ve already done it a million times before: sex, drugs, alcohol. It’s lost its novelty, and therefore its appeal. You always remember your first time, in anything, and so you compare every other experience to that. The rest of your experiences are based entirely on the first. The first time is a defining moment in your life, and shapes your perspective thereafter. But there are only so many firsts one can experience. Pretty soon we’ve all had sex, we’ve all gotten high, and we’ve all gotten drunk. And after we’ve reached a point, it all just becomes habitual, expected, common, and consequently, boring.
My theory is that people aren’t afraid to get old and grow up. I mean I thought I was, but I don’t think that’s it. Sure, I’m afraid of dying, but I’m trying this whole not worrying thing, so it isn’t on my mind as of this moment. But becoming old doesn't really scare me as much, not anymore. What does scare me is becoming bored, of running out of firsts. People are leery when it comes to trying new things, as we are taught to be. But there are so many new things to try, and I’m talking more than positions, narcotics, and wines. My hypothesis is that as long as you keep trying new things, you’ll keep living life, and eventually, that worry of growing old will just die away. Maybe.
quit being a beatnik and quit trying to prove that you have taken the "smart" approach to using drugs even if it is your second time doing something it is your first time doing that thing the second time. you should try having original thoughts rather than the same thoughts about original experiences
wow you completely missed the whole point of that post.
and just because it isn't original to you, doesn't make it original to me, and my writing is for me.
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