So my last post was supposed to be about firsts and how dull life is without them. I used the rule of three triad of sex, drugs, and alcohol since rock n’ roll isn’t really a big part of my generation. I had used these three merely as examples, to convey a much more meaningful message. When I checked back on my blog today I saw this:
“quit being a beatnik and quit trying to prove that you have taken the "smart" approach to using drugs even if it is your second time doing something it is your first time doing that thing the second time. you should try having original thoughts rather than the same thoughts about original experiences”
So first of all, calling me a beatnik is no insult at all. It’s like the hippie of the 50’s.
But what really bothered me was that my anonymous critic totally missed the purpose of my post. Instead of reading deeper into the what may have seemed like superficial examples, they chose to pick out the one they found offensive as they read it simply at face value. My post was not about drinking, smoking, and sexing, it was about living, with or without those things.
And not once did I even say I smoked. I have no problems admitting I do because I doubt Ayers still reads this crap and no one else who does can really do anything about it unless they want to spread it around school, which doesn’t worry me. And on the off chance Ayers does occasionally stop by this site and does notify my mother, meh. But I still feel like they shouldn't have assumed I did, just by my example. And why is that one is so much worse than the other two? If I had just left it at pre-marital sex or underage drinking, would they still have been as offended.
And that being said, when did I ever claim to be taking the ‘smart’ approach to drugs. That’s like taking the ‘smart’ approach to drinking. It doesn’t exist, you’re still out of your right mind while doing it. I know I’m not being smart when I get high. I mean I’m as smart as I can be, but of course there’s danger. But I don’t go to school high, go to work high, not hang out with my friends to get high, spend all my money on getting high, etc. It’s just not a big deal to me, whether I do it or not. People who think that this one thing defines a person are nuts. I still work hard, I still read, I still care about things, I’m still me.
And to the last part, about having original thoughts, I can’t really argue that. My writing and thoughts probably aren’t original, but to me, they mean something. They help me figure things out, they help me develop my views on life and my perspective on living. I’m 18. Very little of what I say is probably original. I’m just trying to figure stuff out. Like I said, to you, it may not be original, but to me, these realizations are some of the coolest shit.
So I guess thanks anonymous critic. I’m sorry you didn’t find what you were looking for on my blog. But like I said, my writing is primarily for me.