ow before I begin, I would like to clarify something in order to protect my reputation. This is not a melodramatic woe is me kind of story, so please don’t take it like that. It is also not a “I hate boys” story either. Here me out.
So I recently broke up with my boyfriend like two days ago. I won’t go into details, but what it come down to was we had varying principles, which was the word he used. Principles. Let’s analyze this word, shall we. Principles are defined as:
a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning
a rule or belief governing one's personal behavior
So, what I get from these two definitions is that principles serve as a way to live your life, based on personal decisions. All in all, principles are a good idea. They provide guidance, and help you make personal decisions. I think these are important for each individual. Each person should take time to decide what’s important to them, and then base their principles on that.
The things about principles though, is that they are a very personal thing. They are rarely ever the same for each individual, and that is okay. Each person has had different experiences in their life, and experiences are what shape a person, and in turn, their principles. This is why our principles don’t match, but people are usually accepting of differing views, and can understand, and be okay with other people’s principles even if they are different than their own.
When a person uses their principles to judge other people though, that’s when things get bad. The definition of principles is for one’s use, their own purpose. How is it fair to place them upon others.? When a person pushes their principles onto other people, they become close-minded. I hate close-minded people.
No one is the same, no one has gone through all the same things, jumped the same hurtles or won the same battles. Differing principles is not an excuse to not be friends with somebody. If your principles were that strong, as you claim them to be, then you could befriend others whose principles did not match.
But that is my story, that is my lesson. That is an important lesson to know.
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