The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The loss of Sincerity

You know when your friend is trying on a shirt, or a pair of jeans, and she asks you if they look good on her figure. The extra flub around her mid section is freely flowing over the top, and since they are skinny jeans squishing her nasty into less space then they should, most definitely defying the laws of physics, you politely reply, “oh yeah, those are looking great.”
You see an acquaintance you have not spoken to in a while. Your not really good friends, but you met at this thing, and since he said hello, you decide to converse with him a bit. You say your salutations, and then get into the big stuff, asking about his family and how they are doing. He replies with the generic, “oh, they’re great.” You know his brother is traveling right now, and so you inquirer about him. You don’t really care, and probably don’t even listen long enough to hear the answer, but politely say how great that is, and you’re on your way.
These commonalities, these gestures of niceness that we all incorporate into our day are becoming ridiculous. I for one care not how you look in a pair of jeans, or whether your brother has succumbed to the Ebola virus. I don’t mean to sound rude, but think about it, do you.

Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”

Oscar Wilde quotes

I doubt any of you are interested in what people say, at least ones that you aren’t close to. You listen because it is the polite “thing” to do, but your not really listening. Listening requires you to actually hear, then process what the person says, acting accordingly, however how many of you can honestly say that when someone is discussing their recent vacation, or assignment in a class you actually listen. I know I don’t, I don’t care. It doesn’t concern me, and at the fear of sounding conceded, if it doesn’t impact me, why should I care.
I have done away with these unimportant comments. I feel that of anyone wants to say anything, it should be because they want to, because they feel that it needs to be said. I also think that you shouldn’t have to feel obligated to ask questions in order to maintain a conversation. If you don’t care what someone is going to college for, don’t ask. It’s a waste of not only my time but yours too.
It seems our society has taken the practice of insincere conversation to the next level. Sadly, almost every conversation I have a day is fused with “obligatory” questions, ones I know the speaker really doesn’t want to ask, but feels it’s what’s needed to be polite. This makes almost every conversation crap. They all seem to be lacking the beauty of good speech, a lost of a good art. The sincerity has been taken right out of conversation.

Sppech was first created by man to communicate. They didn’t ask about trivial things, but only spoke when they needed to, conversation efficiency I suppose. I’m not suggesting reverting back to only necessary conversation That is why I beg you, please, refrain from meaningless conversation which I know you neither want to say, or hear the answer back.
Bring the sincerity back.

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