The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, January 25, 2009


So I don’t mean for these posts to all be related, but they are. I apologize, I’m sure the topic of relationships is getting annoying by now. But I have a quota of 1200 words to fill, so I am not that apologetic. My question for today is why people find it necessary to get married. If you have a committed relationship with someone, why get married. Isn’t it all a bit unnecessary? It will only complicate things later on if something happens.

I asked people why they would get married. The answers varied.

One of my older friends talked about religion. He thinks that a man and a women should get married before having sex. He believes that sex is something shared only between two individuals who will be together forever. This is a cute idea, very romantic. The fact that he is willing to do this is very admirable. This was once a common belief, a long time ago, even if not practiced amongst the individuals who preached it. It is hard to find those who live so closely to scripture these days. I suppose that if religion is a big part of your life, then this is a fairly good reason to get married. But then one must infer that marriage is only for sex. He claimed that this wasn’t the case, but failed to explain why. 

What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow.  ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Another reason I heard was that when ones relationship is so strong, they should naturally take it to the next level, that being marriage. But why?  Any good reason. Because its what people do? But why is it what people do. It doesn’t change anything, except for maybe your name. You still who you were before, but legally its different. There’s nothing that says that two people can spend their whole lives together, and love each other unconditionally only be getting married. 

Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other.  Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.  ~Katherine Hepburn

So this makes me think that it is related to society. Now, you tell me duh. Bu think about it. Whose reason for getting married is because of its a society. No one I asked said that. They all had these cliche ideas about what marriage was supposed to be, what they had been taught from those fairy tales that have drugged us from long ago. And maybe that’s what they need. But if you want to acknowledge the truth, or go a bit further into your beliefs, think about what your ideals are based on. 


1 comment:

Nicholas Wood said...

Well, I agreed in today's society. People treat marriage like dating and seem to think they can break it off at any point, which is stupid.
I think that's why some people like Tim Burton and Hellena Bonham Carter haven't married.

But Marriage still has a purpose.