The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I was talking to my friend about one of our classes, A.P. Environmental Science. We were talking about the pointlessness of the class, and then moved on to discussing the tests. He said that he usually never really studied, just read the chapter reviews. I said that I have read every single chapter that we were supposed. This is an extremely strange occurrence since no one in that class has ever read a chapter. I would be surprised if people in there had read more than two chapters.
After I said that though, he called me a nerd. I wasn’t too worried about it though, seeing as last term I was one of the only people with an A in that class. I’ll take insult and good grades over praise and bad ones any day.

Later that day we were in the lab, and I was talking to someone about this book I was reading. I told them I was almost done with it. This gentleman was again in my class, and once again remarked, “Nerd.” Again, I didn’t care.
I was talking to this person on the phone last night, and he asked what I was doing this weekend. I said that I had academic decathlon on Saturday, so would probably spend Friday studying for it. I know, that sounds like a pretty nerdy thing to do, not only academic decathlon, but studying on a Friday night. This response was more understandable than the rest, and I was not surprised when he once again called me a nerd.
Now I know that my friend had only been kidding, but one has to stop to think about this. I could care less what people label me as, but nerd, I hardly would call that a bad thing. Are the nerds not the ones who are incredibly smart? Are they not the ones that get into good colleges? Are they not the ones who get good jobs? Are they not the ones who make a difference in the world? I have no qualms about being a nerd, because in fact, they are the ones that rule the world.
I’m not really sure why I should be made to feel bad for the things I do. I enjoy the things that would qualify me as a nerd, and I will not apologize for doing them.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Bill Gates quotes

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