The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My blog

You asked us to explain what our blogs were about. However, I don’t really know what mine is about. I started off wanting to talk about stuff that matter, stuff that I think about and how I think and how it helps me explain life, helps me live. My first posts show that. But I was worried that I would not be able to spill out 1200 words a week, at least not ones that were good enough. I now see that the fear didn’t really matter because my blog is pretty much pointless anyway. It lacks substance and frankly, who cares what I think. I wouldn’t care what people think about movies and books and other forms of media. My writing is giberish and unimportant. I think this is mainly because it is an assignment, and you have forced me to write as such. My writing has no sincerity, and writing without complete sincerity will always be complete crap. I much rather have stuck with the writing notebooks because at least in those I could think. It was more natural, and my words flowed more easily. And each post was only like 100 pages so it was much more easier. Seriously though, are these blogs really necessary. After this class I doubt I will ever open it up again because it is embarrassing and I would like to not have to associate myself with such crap. I guess my blog that I have know is mainly a media blog I talk about books and movies and that’s pretty much it, sometimes TV shows. I watch at least one movie, read at least one book, and watch as least one TV show a week so it’s not hard to find material to talk about. But I am not a critic, so I don’t really know how to properly bash the items I talk about. I think I will change my topic though. I tire of this one and I hate doing things I hate and on such a regular basis, it’s almost hell.

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